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국제 협력

최종수정일자 : 2021.04.27.

국제건강행위분류 (International Classification of Health Intervention, ICHI)

각국의 다양한 의료행위 실태에 대해 기술하고 비교하기 위해 WHO가 개발 중인 분류체계 (https://www.who.int/standards/classifications/international-classification-of-health-interventions)


  • 2005
    The ICHI began to be developed based on the ACHI (Australian)
  • 2008
    • consultation on the detailed contents of the ICHI was carried out.
    • The consultation resulted in the agreement of three axes (Target, Means, Action) for the classification of interventions.
  • 2012
    In October The alpha version of the ICHI was published.
  • 2015
    ICHI Alpha Ⅱ released
  • 2016
    ICHI Alpha Ⅲ released
  • 2017
    ICHI Beta version released
  • 2018
    ICHI Field Trials conducted
  • 2019
    The official ICHI Beta-2 version released
  • 2020
    The official ICHI Beta-3 version released


  • ICHI (International Classification of Health Intervention)

    국제적으로 통용될 수 있는 의료행위 분류체계로서 현재 WHO에서 개발 중에 있음

  • 의료행위를 세 개의 축으로 분류 - 대상(Target) / 행위(Action) 수단(Means)

    국제 호환성 체계에 적용 가능한 개념 중심의 의료행위 분류체계 코드화 및 구조화

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